Advanced Mobile Applications for Science Education 应用

Mobile Molecular Modeling -Mo3 2.0
Mo-cubed: Build, Search, Compute, Analyze, and View 3D molecularinformation
ChemEd: Bonding & Structures 1.8
ChemEd is a study aid tool for all levels of chemistry from highschool introduction to chemistry, college general chemistry to moreadvanced level courses such as organic, inorganic, biological andmaterials chemistry. It allows students and teachers to selectmolecules that often used in many textbooks to learn or demonstrateimportant fundamental chemical concepts, namely: 1. Molecularorbitals and bonding (bond order and valency) 2. Electrostaticpotential surface and polarity 3. Orbital hybridization andmolecular structures All in 3D with amazing graphic quality! Updateversion contains libraries of molecules appropriate for courses inGeneral Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biological Chemistry,Inorganic Chemistry, and Nano-molecules such as fullerenes,graphene sheet, nanotubes. Download, Enjoy, and Tell your friendsabout ChemEd!
Gchemy: Intro Chem Study Aid 0.0.9
Gchemy: A MUST-have study aid tool for all high school andcollegestudents taking introduction chemistry courses. Features: 1.UnitConversion: Converter for Energy, Length, Mass,Volume,Temperature, and Pressure 2. Formula: Formula calculatorsfor manyformula used in Genchem courses such as Gas Law,Dilution,Kinetics, Thermodynamics, etc. 3. Periodic Table:Completeinformation on all atoms 4. Mol Calculator: Compute thenumber ofmole from all relevant information 5. 3D structure: Drawmoleculein 2D then convert to 3D and search Pubchem public databasefor allavailable information on the molecule. 6. Reaction:Balancereaction And more! Download, Enjoy and Tell your friendsaboutGchemy to ensure it will have more features in the future!